About me
You may have met her many moons ago as an energetic teen who was brought to her first con by Bahb, Son of Bob. You may have been there when she got engaged to her now husband, Ryan, during an elven toast. Maybe you attended one of many epic room parties she hosted or listened in as she spouted on about “historically” at a concom meeting. Maybe you’ve just had a simple question at OPs. The point is, even it this is your first year at ConFusion, you’ve probably already met Anna Carey.
Anna is a long time convention runner and a continuous pillar in ConFusion’s inner workings. While project management is her calling both in her professional and con-life, when she’s not doing that you can find her re-reading her favorite series, checking in on the latest binge-able series, cross-stitching something geeky, or chasing her two very kinetic little boys.